Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Happy Birthday Julia Child

Today is August 15th which means that today would have been Julia Child's 100th Birthday!

And I feel the need to celebrate it.

I won't lie, the majority of my knowledge of Julia Child comes from the movie: Julie and Julia. But DOOD! That movie was SOO GOOD. I just fell in love. I was so inspired the whole way through watching it, and I'm pretty sure I was smiling dorkishly for most of the movie.

I'm not sure yet how I plan on celebrating this lovely lady's legacy today, but I sure will be thinking a lot about her and all the inspiration I got from watching Julie and Julia.

The exciting thing: I am not positive... but I think that I may have in fact inherited one of her cookbooks from my great Aunt (!). So there will definitely be some rummaging through our storage boxes tonight. And cooking, obvs.

Happy Birthday Julia Child!
Cooking is awesome.

<3 Larissa

How do you think you will celebrate this momentous occasion??

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