Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Wishlist Wednesday!

Time for the first edition of Wishlist Wednesday!

I am a list maker. I make a lot of lists. To-do Lists, To-buy Lists, To-Wear Lists, To-make Lists, To-bake Lists, Checklists... and of course Wishlists. I get a little list crazy sometimes, but a girl's gotta feel organized! Lists are helpful that way. I think I got it from my Pa, he too is a list maker. They keep you on track, keep you focused, and keep you dreaming!

Speaking of dreaming... here is a sampling of what's been added to my Wishlist recently:

FYI, I have been getting really into pie lately. I am becoming a major Pie Fan. Hence, this pan is kinda high on my list. I am also a fan of pans. A pan fan, you could say. If I had a trillion dollars, I would just stock my kitchen with pie and cake pans of all types and sizes... Not a necessity, I know, but hey. I would have a trillion dollars, so why not? Also on the pan wish list, THIS one! (The link is mostly for the picture...I would probably not buy it from the lovely-but-out-of-my-price-range store of Williams-Sonoma, Michaels had an awesome set of three in different sizes!)
A book that shows you haw to make all sorts of dairy products at home from scratch. I first fell in love with this book when I saw it featured here. I love making things handmade, even if it is super easy just to buy them. It's more about the process of doing it that makes me happy. (Also, how awesome would it be to serve people Super-Handmade-Desserts by using your very own butter/cream cheese/ricotta/yogurt??)
I am still kicking myself for not buying a super-cheap one I found at Value Village a few months ago. They are not that expensive to begin with, but after picking up a sweet little cocktail recipe book at a garage sale this summer, I am all inspired to make fun drinks. With a fancy cocktail shaker. It would make me feel oh so classy.

What is on your wish list this Wednesday?
XO Lari

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