Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Obsessions: Summer Berries

I love to daydream, a lot. I pretty sure 99% of my daydreaming adventures have something to do with food. Hey! That is not weird or sad. That's just the way it is. Often I will become obsessed with a certain ingredient or theme and I spend my time thinking about all the different uses for it. So you will notice that once in a while or more I will make posts of my current foodie obsessions, and who knows! Maybe I will try making one of them.

Berries at this time of year are crazy delicious, and my Ma and I eat many many many of them. They are so tasty that we usually just eat them fresh, and can't be bothered to cook with them. Why change a good thing right?

However, I also firmly believe that cooking with awesome ingredients can only yield one thing: more awesomeness. SO... if fresh summer berries like raspberries, blueberries, blackberries etc are so flippin' good all on their own, imagine how yummy they'd be in a pie? Or on top of a cheesecake? Or folded into cake batter? Or with a summery creme brulee? Or cobbler...or...or...

Hence I present to you the first edition of my Obsessions: Summer Berries. If that was not obvious already.

I know for a fact! that my Mother went to a farmers market today, with the intent of buying more fresh berries. So I have brilliant timing on this one. Thanks Marmy :)


These Blueberry Scones with lemon zest From Mrs F would make a lovely breakfast or tea time treat

These simple but cute Sweet Tarts from Bakerlla are a classic summery treat, which I could eat everyday, all summer. With ice cream of course, Dad.

Also, Mini Raspberry Mousse Tarts via Bakers Royale sound divine. Probably because of the dark chocolate bit on the bottom...


So berry much love?
(that was bad, sorry.)

This is Lari signing off, telling demanding you to eat more berries this summer. Copious amounts. In all forms.
XO Larissa

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